Updates to our Website

As is becoming customary of late, we have taken the opportunity to continue to refine our website over the Easter holidays. Here are the highlights:

  • We have significantly streamlined the design of our Projects page, corrected errors and added new content.
  • Our Groups page has been similarly redesigned, so the overall structure of the website is much less complex and menus should be easier to navigate.
  • Our Partners and Sponsors page now reflects our grant from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, alongside a number of other small changes.
  • There is no longer a technical error on our Forum page.

In addition, a few months ago, we quietly added a search facility to the website which a few users have been testing for us. It seems to be working well on the whole, so we would like to take this opportunity to formally announce it.

Finally, we are making significant changes to our content database and hosting infrastructure behind the scenes which will make search results even more relevant, allow pages to load faster, and pave the way for exciting upgrades to our website in the not too distant future. Watch this space for more announcements soon!

In the meantime, although we don’t expect our changes under the hood to have an adverse impact on visitors, things do inevitably go wrong from time to time. If you do experience any problems, please write to us at [email protected] so we can put them right.

We hope you enjoy browsing our website and look forward to hearing your feedback.