The Bristol group has been shortlisted for £500 worth of sponsorship from Skipton Building Society. If we win BBT has said they’ll match that with another £500 for other local groups.
Author: Matthew Horspool
The Braillists is undergoing a transformation to become more sustainable. We have established a voluntary steering committee and are heading toward registering Braillists as a Charitable Foundation this summer. Adopting a recognized legal structure will help the central Braillists organization to independently accept donations and apply for funding.
To support the work of the committee, establish a Braillists group in your area, change your newsletter subscription, give us a shout: email [email protected]; follow @Braillists on Twitter; join us on our discussion forum.
Calling Braillists in London
From our Beer and Braille events in 2015, we know a number of Braillists in London are interested in a local group. We just need a chair person to step up and volunteer to lead this effort. Does that sound like you?
If you think you could help get a London Braillists group up and running, email [email protected]
An Appearance on the NCBI Technology Podcast
Ed Rogers and I were interviewed by the delightful Stuart Lawler for the NCBI Technology Podcast when we were in Ireland for the Dublin Braillists meeting in January. Stuart is a fantastic advocate for Braille and assistive technologies and the podcasts are beautifully produced and well worth a listen. To hear us talk about the Braillists group and Canute Braille ebook reader check out the February podcast.
Help us Plan Future Braillists Meetings
As you may know, Braillists is still a very young organisation and we are developing fast. We are very keen to organise more Braillists meetings in the UK and potentially further afield and it would be very helpful to know where you are situated so that we can pin-point groups local to you. I’d very much appreciate it if you could answer the following two questions.
- Where do you live? Nearest town or city, country, post-code or zip-code (the first part will do)
- How far would be reasonable for you to travel to attend a regular Braillists meeting? around every 1-2 months. Please chose from:
- I can’t physically attend meetings but I may be able to participate through web video
- within my local area (neighbourhood, part of the city, etc) [upto 2 miles or 3 kilometers]
- within my nearest city or town [upto 10 miles or 15 kilometers]
- within my county or region [upto 25 miles or 40 kilometers]
- I am happy to travel further afield [over 25 miles or 40 kilometers]
We have yet more exciting plans for the new year and I shall keep you informed of our progress and intentions as we develop.