Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms to suit different ability levels, the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to support each other with the ups and downs of mastering the braille code, answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and practice reading amongst friends. You don’t have to choose your group in advance, and you can move to another group at any time if you think it would be more suitable.
Here is what we are currently reading and our starting places for this week:
Beginners: The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch, by Tom Fletcher
This book is available:
- In grades 1 and 2 and in double line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in the “Children Stories 1” folder for grade 2, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
N.B. The file name on the RNIB Sd Card starts with the letter T, not the letter C.
This week we are starting on page 13.
Intermediate: Holding, by Graham Norton
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in grade 2 in the “Crime” folder
- For download in grade 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting on page 107.
Advanced: Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing, and grade 1 from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 1 in the “Children G1” folder (April 2020 and April 2021 versions)
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 2 in the “Children Stories” folder (April 2020 version) and the “Children Stories 2” folder (April 2021 version)
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting with chapter 29.
To order books from the RNIB Library in hard copy, call the helpline on 0303 123 9999.
Braille Bar
Our popular braille-related drop-in session. No registration required – just turn up and ask your braille questions.
Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms to suit different ability levels, the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to support each other with the ups and downs of mastering the braille code, answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and practice reading amongst friends. You don’t have to choose your group in advance, and you can move to another group at any time if you think it would be more suitable.
Here is what we are currently reading and our starting places for this week:
Beginners: The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch, by Tom Fletcher
This book is available:
- In grades 1 and 2 and in double line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in the “Children Stories 1” folder for grade 2, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
N.B. The file name on the RNIB Sd Card starts with the letter T, not the letter C.
This week we are starting on page 17.
Intermediate: Holding, by Graham Norton
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in grade 2 in the “Crime” folder
- For download in grade 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting on page 118.
Advanced: Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing, and grade 1 from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 1 in the “Children G1” folder (April 2020 and April 2021 versions)
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 2 in the “Children Stories” folder (April 2020 version) and the “Children Stories 2” folder (April 2021 version)
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting with chapter 32.
To order books from the RNIB Library in hard copy, call the helpline on 0303 123 9999.
Care and Usage of your Perkins Brailler
The Perkins Brailler has been a staple in the lives of braille users ever since the first one was manufactured in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1951. To this day, the Perkins is widely considered to be the most durable braille device on the market, with machines over 50 years old still going strong.
They are so popular, in fact, that it is easy to forget that we need to teach new braillists how to use them! Furthermore, even established braillists do not always know how to diagnose faults when they arise, or how to take the best care of their machines so as to minimise the risks of faults arising in the first place.
We will be joined by Alan Thorpe of Eyecan, a certified Perkins Brailler Repair Centre. Alan will take us on a tour of the Perkins Brailler, introducing us to the proper names of all of the parts! He will explain how to insert paper and write braille, and describe some common faults and how to overcome them. He will also explain when a professional service or repair may be required and briefly explain the differences between the different models of Perkins Brailler available.
Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms to suit different ability levels, the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to support each other with the ups and downs of mastering the braille code, answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and practice reading amongst friends. You don’t have to choose your group in advance, and you can move to another group at any time if you think it would be more suitable.
Here is what we are currently reading and our starting places for this week:
Beginners: The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch, by Tom Fletcher
This book is available:
- In grades 1 and 2 and in double line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in the “Children Stories 1” folder for grade 2, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
N.B. The file name on the RNIB Sd Card starts with the letter T, not the letter C.
This week we are starting on page 21.
Intermediate: Holding, by Graham Norton
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in grade 2 in the “Crime” folder
- For download in grade 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting on page 130.
Advanced: Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing, and grade 1 from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 1 in the “Children G1” folder (April 2020 and April 2021 versions)
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 2 in the “Children Stories” folder (April 2020 version) and the “Children Stories 2” folder (April 2021 version)
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting with chapter 35.
To order books from the RNIB Library in hard copy, call the helpline on 0303 123 9999.
Special Braille Bar
This Tuesday will mark almost two years to the day since the first Braillists Zoom call, which was held on Friday 20 March 2020 in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. In spite of the odds, and thanks to your support, we have grown from strength to strength since then, offering online braille teaching, reading groups, our popular braille masterclasses and a vibrant community passionate about braille.
As we look forward to our first in-person event next month, join us at the Braille Bar for reflection, and to share your hopes for future Braillists events.
Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms to suit different ability levels, the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to support each other with the ups and downs of mastering the braille code, answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and practice reading amongst friends. You don’t have to choose your group in advance, and you can move to another group at any time if you think it would be more suitable.
Here is what we are currently reading and our starting places for this week:
Beginners: The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch, by Tom Fletcher
This book is available:
- In grades 1 and 2 and in double line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in the “Children Stories 1” folder for grade 2, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
N.B. The file name on the RNIB Sd Card starts with the letter T, not the letter C.
This week we are starting on page 25.
Intermediate: Holding, by Graham Norton
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in grade 2 in the “Crime” folder
- For download in grade 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting on page 142.
Advanced: Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing, and grade 1 from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 1 in the “Children G1” folder (April 2020 and April 2021 versions)
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 2 in the “Children Stories” folder (April 2020 version) and the “Children Stories 2” folder (April 2021 version)
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting with chapter 38.
To order books from the RNIB Library in hard copy, call the helpline on 0303 123 9999.
Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms to suit different ability levels, the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to support each other with the ups and downs of mastering the braille code, answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and practice reading amongst friends. You don’t have to choose your group in advance, and you can move to another group at any time if you think it would be more suitable.
Here is what we are currently reading and our starting places for this week:
Beginners: The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch, by Tom Fletcher
This book is available:
- In grades 1 and 2 and in double line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in the “Children Stories 1” folder for grade 2, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
N.B. The file name on the RNIB Sd Card starts with the letter T, not the letter C.
This week we are starting on page 27.
Intermediate: Holding, by Graham Norton
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in grade 2 in the “Crime” folder
- For download in grade 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting on page 154.
Advanced: Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing, and grade 1 from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 1 in the “Children G1” folder (April 2020 and April 2021 versions)
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 2 in the “Children Stories” folder (April 2020 version) and the “Children Stories 2” folder (April 2021 version)
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting with chapter 41.
To order books from the RNIB Library in hard copy, call the helpline on 0303 123 9999.
Book Club Social
This evening’s Book Club will be the last before our Easter break, so we’re going to be mixing things up a little with another of our infamous (in a good way) socials!
Our social events are a great way to relax your way into the weekend and the holidays whilst getting to (virtually) meet some members of the Club who you might not have spoken to before.
Instead of being put into the usual Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced rooms, everyone will be put in one of four different rooms with a random selection of other attendees. In practice, this usually means that you’ll be with at least two people you’ll know from your group and a few people from other groups.
After 10 minutes, we’ll swap everyone around to give everyone some new people to talk to. Time permitting, we’re intending to do this about five times. This may mean that we don’t quite finish on time.
We’d love to see as many Book Club members as possible, especially if you haven’t managed to make it in a while!
Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With four rooms to suit different ability levels, the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to support each other with the ups and downs of mastering the braille code, answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and practice reading amongst friends. You don’t have to choose your group in advance, and you can move to another group at any time if you think it would be more suitable.
Here is what we are currently reading and our starting places for this week:
Beginners: A Place for Pluto, by Stef Wade
This book is available:
- In grades 1 and 2 and in double line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 1 in the “Children G1” folder (April 2020 and April 2021 versions)
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in grade 2 in the “Children Stories” folder (April 2020 version) or the “Children Stories 1” folder (April 2021 version)
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
Improvers: The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch, by Tom Fletcher
This book is available:
- In grades 1 and 2 and in double line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in the “Children Stories 1” folder for grade 2, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1
- For download in grades 1 and 2 via RNIB Reading Services
N.B. The file name on the RNIB Sd Card starts with the letter T, not the letter C.
This week we are starting on page 29.
Intermediate: Holding, by Graham Norton
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in grade 2 in the “Crime” folder
- For download in grade 2 via RNIB Reading Services
This week we are starting on page 200.
Advanced: The New Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1950, chosen and edited by Helen Gardner
This book is available:
- In grade 2, single line spacing from the RNIB Library
- On the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card from April 2021 in grade 2 in the “Poetry” folder
- For download in grade 2 via RNIB Reading Services
To order books from the RNIB Library in hard copy, call the helpline on 0303 123 9999.