The most inexpensive Braille reading setup in the world? Introducing Braille on the Amazon Fire tablet

Over the years blind people have benefitted from incredible enhancements in the fields of electronic Braille and accessibility in general. In fact, it’s now possible to purchase a fully accessible Amazon Fire tablet for under £50, which pared with an inexpensive Braille display such as an Orbit Reader and Amazons Kindle store which offers access to quite literally hundreds of thousands of digital books makes for an incredibly cost-effective Braille reading setup. But how does it work? Join us in this master class to find out.

In this master class we’ll be providing a general overview of the Fire tablet, the basics of setting it up, how to connect a Braille display and how to navigate the device using it. We’ll then purchase a book from the Kindle store and walk you through how to read it on your Braille display.

If you’ve registered for our second series of Masterclasses (from April onwards) you don’t need to register again. You will receive a separate email with joining information before the session starts.