Chairman’s End of Year Message

Hello Braillists Foundation friends

As 2024 draws to a close and our team takes a well-earned break, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks for all you have achieved throughout the year to support and spread braille and tactile literacy.

This has been a massive year for braille. And next year promises to be even bigger. Just take a few minutes to browse through our news pages and you’ll find more braille announcements, events, activities, resources and research than ever before. The Braillists Foundation range of online Zoom events have set new records in terms of attendance, we met many of you face to face as Sight Village events in London and Birmingham, and we are excited for our first in-person World Braille Day conference in Worcester on 4 January 2025.

Huge thanks to Ilka and Ed, founding trustees, who have stepped down from our Board after four and a half years service. A warm Welcome to Laurent, Darren and Steph who have joined the Board. We now have a total of seven trustees, all of whom are braille touch readers. You can learn more about our governance and policies etc on the website.

While everyone’s contribution, no matter how small, is always greatly appreciated. I want to pay special tribute to Matthew Horspool. This man has worked incredibly hard each and every week, not just as Treasurer, but also as our General Manager, tech guru, volunteer coordinator, podcast producer, newsletter writer, and so many things. Matthew we are all in your debt. Thankyou so much for all you do for this community. We are extremely lucky to have you among us. Let’s resolve to share your huge workload in the new year.

It is thanks to Matthew’s considerable efforts that we now have a proper bank account and a PayPal button where you can help us pay the bills for web hosting, Zoom subscription, braille transcription and required expenses to keep the Braillists Foundation alive and well. So if you like what the Braillists Foundation does, and if you would like that to continue, feel free to leave a tip in the tip jar, and share our page with your networks. And if you have already donated, thankyou. Your contribution means a lot.

I look forward to meeting many of you in 2025 at our World Braille Day conference, RNIB’s Braille and Beyond Library events, at CSUN, the Tactile Reading Conference and elsewhere. Let’s continue working together to spread braille and tactile literacy for every single person who needs to access information by touch.

From the bottom of my heart the most enormous thankyou for everything you do to empower blind and partially sighted people through braille and tactile literacy.

Seasons greetings from all of us to all of you.

Your Braillists Foundation Trustees

Dave Williams (Chairman)

Megan Hastings (Secretary)

Matthew Horspool (Treasurer)

Stuart Lawler

Laurent Cadet de Fontinay

Darren Paskell

Stephanie Sergeant

The Braillists Foundation is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales, no. 1187244.