Finger Braille Research Opportunity

My name is George Fence, and I am a second year PhD student at Birmingham City University. My research focuses on haptic technologies for accessibility, which are devices that use the sense of touch.

I am currently recruiting participants from the United Kingdom for and in-person test. If you have experience reading Grade 2 Braille and are familiar with the Perkins keyboard layout, this research might interest you.

The study will involve using a new Finger Braille reading device which uses six actuators worn on the fingers in the Perkins keyboard layout to show Braille characters. The goal of the study is to explore combining vibration and pressure to improve reading performance, and the findings could be used to improve haptic technologies such as Braille displays.

Participation in the study is completely voluntary, and the collected data will be anonymised. By taking part in this research, you will contribute to knowledge in the field of accessibility.

Testing will take place at Birmingham City University, or we can discuss meeting in a public space (e.g. public library) closer to you.

Participant Inclusion Criteria

  • Must know how to read Grade 2 English Braille.
  • Must have experience with a Perkins keyboard or finger Braille.
  • Must be an adult. (over 18 years of age)
  • Must identify as having a vision and/or hearing impairment or disability; or have professional experience working with disabled individuals. (e.g. vision impairment, hearing impairment, deafblindness)
  • Must be able to communicate verbally in English with the researcher.
  • Must be able to provide informed consent and agree for an interview to be recorded.
  • Must be able to travel to Birmingham or to meet in a mutually agreed public location.

If you are interested in experiencing new Braille technologies and want to find out more about the study, please submit your interest on this Microsoft Form or contact me directly by email.