The latest in our occasional series showcasing historical braille shorthand codes which you might still find useful today:
Braille, User-Oriented Code (BUOC) was a code written by the late Australian, Rebecca Maxwell, with the support of Australian Braille Literacy Action (ABLA), formerly the Australian Guild of Business and Professional Blind. It was last revised in 1998 and includes a number of useful devices for making braille shorter.
In this session, we are delighted to be joined by Jordie Howell, a great proponent of BUOC and a contemporary of its author. Jordie will introduce us to the principals of BUOC, describe how some common words and phrases can be shortened and explain how we can find out more about this grass roots code.
Register for Introducing BUOC here.
To join by phone, please use these details:
- Phone number: 0131 460 1196
- Meeting ID: 857 0013 1529
- Passcode: 123456