Join the Braillists on social media

Over recent months, The Braillists Foundation has increased activity on social media.  You might have seen some of our posts.  We have also significantly increased the number of people engaging with us. 

If you are amongst our new likers and followers, thank you and welcome.  If you are still thinking about it, why not make that click?

Why should you follow our social media if you are already receiving our newsletter?

We keep looking for Braille news from other organisations that won’t make it to the regular email and share this through our social media.  We also use these outlets to contact those who are not yet part of our community.  By liking our channels and by liking and sharing our posts, the word about Braille reaches a larger audience, increasing awareness that Braille is still important in our world and encouraging more people to use more Braille in more ways.

We will continue to publish Braillists news on the newsletter, so you aren’t going to miss anything important.  But it would be great to have you along to tell the wider world that Braille matters.

To find us, search for The Braillists Foundation on your chosen Facebook application.  On Twitter, we are @braillists.  We look forward to seeing you on either or both platforms.