That All May eRead, Tuesday 30 July at 7:00 PM US Eastern Time

On Tuesday, July 30, at 7 p.m. eastern time, the Patron Engagement Section of the National Library Service in the US will launch a new monthly program called “That All May eRead” on Zoom. This program, occurring the last Tuesday night of each month, will focus on using the NLS Braille eReaders. Each session will begin with a brief demonstration of a feature or use case. The rest of the hour will be spent answering patron questions about any aspect of the Zoomax or HumanWare Braille eReaders.

You may access the program by going to:

Remember that the meeting is recorded. Do not speak if you do not wish to be on the recording.

If you choose to dial in to the call, use the telephone numbers provided below. The ID will not work with standard

  • +1-669-254-5252
  • +1-646-828-7666

Meeting ID: 161 453 9282
Passcode: 776136