World Braille Conference 2025

This page contains links to download the programme for our World Braille Day conference in a variety of formats. It also contains a link to the pre-event information if you need it.

To provide feedback on the conference, please visit

Pre-Event Information

This document contains information about hotels, trains, taxies etc. It is available in Microsoft Word format only.


This document contains the agenda for the day, information about what will be on offer, speaker biographies, exhibitor listings, information about our sponsors etc.

Hard copies in print (14pt) and braille (UEB contracted) will be available on the day.


The hard copy print programme (14pt) is printed saddle stitch, double sided on A3 paper to produce an A4 pamphlet. It can be downloaded in A4 Word and PDF formats below.

These files are also suitable for use on note takers and refreshable braille displays and may be particularly useful if you would prefer to read the programme in an alternative braille code, e.g. pre-UEB or uncontracted braille.

You may use the Word version to produce a larger or smaller print version, or to adjust font, spacing, colour contrast etc as required.

Notetakers and Refreshable Braille Displays (Single-Line)

We have prepared unpaginated BRF files (UEB Contracted) to suit the vast majority of notetakers and braille displays on the market.

Please count the number of cells on your braille display and download the corresponding file from the list below:

If none of the files above are suitable, or you would prefer to handle line wrapping yourself, please download the “Universal” version (with no line breaks within paragraphs) below:

Multi-Line Braille Displays

We have prepared paginated BRF files (UEB Contracted) to suit the most common multi-line braille displays currently available in the UK. They can be downloaded from the list below:

N.B. for Orbit Slate, please use the single-line 20-cell, 40-cell or “Universal” files from the previous section as appropriate.


The hard copy programme (UEB contracted) is embossed double sided on 12-inch paper, 27 lines by 40 cells. The BRF file can be downloaded below: