Clever Cooking: Safety in the Kitchen
Whilst for some, cooking can be an incredibly satisfying experience, it’s important that we all know how to do it safely, which will be the subject for today’s session. Whether it’s a finger in the foie gras, a fire in the fryer, iced scone on the iPhone or bourbon on the BrailleNote, we’ve all had our own accidents in the kitchen, but embarrassing stories are completely optional here as we’re more interested in any tips you have for staying safe as opposed to times that it went wrong.
Book Club
Join us for the very first Braillists Book Club, where a small community of readers come together to read a novel on their braille displays, sharing hints and tips on navigating electronic braille along the way.
This week, we will read a very short children’s story, A Place for Pluto by Steph Wade. This charming tale reflects on our place in the Universe from the perspective of Pluto, which was recently reclassified as a planetoid. It can be found in the “Children Stories” folder on the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card for grade 2 readers, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1 readers.
Open Forum
Whilst our formal Friday calls have come to an end, we appreciate that, for many people, the world is still very different to how it was 6 months ago. If you’re still adjusting to the new normal, please feel free to join this informal call to put the world to rights with a member of the Braillists team and other attendees.
Braille For Beginners
This week, we’ll be starting from page 14 of Fingerprint volume 6, covering contractions beginning with dots 4-6.
Clever Cooking: Microwave Mug Cakes
Join us for another live cook along, where we’ll be combining what we’ve learnt from 2 of our recent sessions to make a microwave mug cake. Once the cake has passed the taste test, we’ll spend the rest of the session answering questions about microwave baking and cooking in general.
Book Club
A small community of readers come together to read a novel on their braille displays, sharing hints and tips on navigating electronic braille along the way.
This week, we will finish reading a very short children’s story, A Place for Pluto by Steph Wade. This charming tale reflects on our place in the Universe from the perspective of Pluto, which was recently reclassified as a planetoid. It can be found in the “Children Stories” folder on the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card for grade 2 readers, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1 readers.
Afterwards, we will choose a longer book to read, so join us and be part of the conversation!
Open Forum
Whilst our formal Friday calls have come to an end, we appreciate that, for many people, the world is still very different to how it was 6 months ago. If you’re still adjusting to the new normal, please feel free to join this informal call to put the world to rights with a member of the Braillists team and other attendees.
Braille For Beginners
We’ll be finishing off contractions beginning with dots 5-6, followed by a short anagram game. If you are following along in Fingerprint, please have volume 6 to hand, starting about half way down page 19.
Clever Cooking: Eating Out
With restaurants, cafes and pubs all trying to entice us back out with tantalising money off promotions, today we’ll be tackling the issue of eating out with little or no sight. Feel knocked for six at the sight of chopsticks? Do you stay well away from the buffet? What do you do when your strawberry compote arrives in a plant pot? Michelle, Elin and Ben will be sharing their experiences around eating out as blind people, but there’ll be plenty of time for all of your questions and tips as well. If you’ve ever ordered a burger for accessibility reasons when you’ve secretly wanted something else, this session’s for you!
Book Club
A small community of readers come together to read a novel on their braille displays, sharing hints and tips on navigating electronic braille along the way.
Last week we chose to start reading Peter Pan, by J. M. Barrie. It can be found in the “Children Stories” folder on the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card for grade 2 readers, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1 readers.
Join us this week to read chapter 1 and have your Orbit Reader questions answered.