Braille For Beginners
We begin on page 27 of Fingerprint volume 8 this week. Content includes roman numerals, the long dash, ampersand, asterisk, dagger, bullet, copyright and trademark symbols.
Introduction to Braille Writing Frames
This session will be a practical introduction on using a hand frame (also known as a slate and stylus).
We will cover inserting the paper, holding the stylus and writing some characters, as well as some basic types of frame and where to get them.
Please come prepared with your frame, stylus and paper.
Questions welcome.
If you don’t have a slate and stylus, you can get one through the free equipment the Braillists is giving out.
We hope to see many braille enthusiasts and look forward to learning together.
The event will take place on Zoom and will be led by James Bowden, braille technical officer, RNIB.
Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? Open to both new and more experienced braille readers alike, the Book Club is a small group who meet every week to answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and to practice reading amongst friends.
We are currently reading Peter Pan, by J. M. Barrie. It can be found in the “Children Stories” folder on the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card for grade 2 readers, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1 readers.
This week we will read chapter 9.
Open Forum
Whilst our formal Friday calls have come to an end, we appreciate that, for many people, the world is still very different to how it was 6 months ago. If you’re still adjusting to the new normal, please feel free to join this informal call to put the world to rights with a member of the Braillists team and other attendees.
Braille For Beginners
Jenny Langley walks us step-by-step through the braille code, using Fingerprint as a reference.
Using Braille for Language Learning
This session will introduce you to the many ways you can use braille when learning a language. Knowledge of English braille would be helpful, but anyone is welcome.
We will take a look at using braille in conjunction with various language learning apps, where to learn other language codes and accessing books in other languages.
We’ll also hear from blind people who have used braille when traveling and how this has helped them.
Braille Innovations with Sight and Sound
The Braillists is delighted to have been invited by Stuart Lawler to join Sight and Sound for this special Webinar Wednesday session on the 18th:
Stuart says: “We’re talking about Braille Innovations and also about how you can find support to know more about Braille and its many codes in the UK and Ireland. Our guests for this session are Dr. Sile O’Modhrain, from the University of Michigan, Dr. Donal Fitzpatrick, from Dublin City University, and Mr. Dave Williams, Chair of the Braillists Foundation.
“Sile’s presentation will focus on designing a Full-Page Tactile Display. Donal will focus on Braille in his work and personal life, and Braille research initiatives including Euromath and Braille Translation. Dave’s will discuss the work of the Braillists Foundation and their many initiatives.”
Book Club
Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? Open to both new and more experienced braille readers alike, the Book Club is a small group who meet every week to answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and to practice reading amongst friends.
We are currently reading Peter Pan, by J. M. Barrie. It can be found in the “Children Stories” folder on the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card for grade 2 readers, and the “Children G1” folder for grade 1 readers.
This week we will read chapter 10.
Open Forum
Whilst our formal Friday calls have come to an end, we appreciate that, for many people, the world is still very different to how it was 6 months ago. If you’re still adjusting to the new normal, please feel free to join this informal call to put the world to rights with a member of the Braillists team and other attendees.
Braille For Beginners
We’ve reached the end of Fingerprint! Congratulations to everyone who’s been following along. We’ll have one last session in the current series of Braille For Beginners this week in which Jenny and the team will answer any final braille questions. After that, we’ll finish with a short braille quiz.