New Events System Test

Braille Bar

27th April 2021,    
19:30 - 20:30

Our popular braille-related drop-in session. No registration required – just turn up and ask your braille questions.

Book Club

29th April 2021,    
18:00 - 19:00

Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms — Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced — the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and to practice reading amongst friends.

We are currently reading Kensuke’s Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo. It can be found in the “Teens” folder on the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in both grade 1 and grade 2.

This week we will read chapter 10.

Open Forum

30th April 2021,    
18:00 - 19:00

Whilst our formal Friday calls have come to an end, we appreciate that, for many people, the world is still very different to how it was 6 months ago. If you’re still adjusting to the new normal, please feel free to join this informal call to put the world to rights with a member of the Braillists team and other attendees.

What is a BRF and why would you want one?

4th May 2021,    
19:30 - 20:30

We’re starting to hear more and more about BRF files. They’re the default braille format on platforms such as RNIB Reading Services; they’re regularly used in the transcription industry to share braille versions of documents between producers; and notetaker users have used them to transfer files from one brand of braille device to another. But questions still prevail:

  • What, exactly, is a BRF?
  • Why would you use BRF files over more mainstream file formats?
  • What are the limitations of BRF?
  • How do you read BRF files?
  • How do you navigate through them?
  • How do you create them?

Matthew Horspool will be answering all these questions and more in this event.

Book Club

6th May 2021,    
18:00 - 19:00

Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms — Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced — the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and to practice reading amongst friends.

We are currently reading Kensuke’s Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo. It can be found in the “Teens” folder on the RNIB Orbit Reader SD card in both grade 1 and grade 2.

This week we will continue reading chapter 10, starting at: “so they could be pulled across to disguise the entrance of the cave house”.

Open Forum

7th May 2021,    
18:00 - 19:00

Whilst our formal Friday calls have come to an end, we appreciate that, for many people, the world is still very different to how it was 6 months ago. If you’re still adjusting to the new normal, please feel free to join this informal call to put the world to rights with a member of the Braillists team and other attendees.

Braille Music Drop-In

10th May 2021,    
20:00 - 21:00

Friend of the Braillists Stuart Lawler, from Dublin, is pioneering a new initiative to support the learning of Braille Music, using the Clubhouse social network.

To support this, he is also running some mid-month drop-in sessions for you to ask any questions about the previous session, or the braille music code in general. No prior knowledge of Braille Music is necessary, and the sessions are aimed at those with little or no knowledge of the Music code.

Braille Bar

11th May 2021,    
19:30 - 20:30

Our popular braille-related drop-in session. No registration required – just turn up and ask your braille questions.

Book Club Social

13th May 2021,    
18:00 - 19:00

Is the only reason you never judge a book by its cover because you can’t read the cover in the first place? With three rooms — Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced — the Book Club is a welcoming group who meet every week to answer each other’s questions regarding reading using refreshable braille and to practice reading amongst friends.

This week, we’ll be joining our usual reading rooms for the first part of the session, then mixing things up from there on by going into different rooms with a random selection of people in them. This is a nice way to get to know people who you might not have spoken to before.

Final Open Forum

14th May 2021,    
18:00 - 19:00

Thank you to everyone who has attended one of our Friday forums since last March. It’s been a pleasure hosting them.

There’s an “end of term” feeling tonight as we bring them to an end. Pour yourself a drink, grab a snack and come join us to toast the future of the Braillists.